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About Flexibility Services

Many electricity generator and consumers have the potential to reduce their demand for electricity during peak periods or, conversely, the ability to increase energy supply using existing, on-site power generation assets.

Where there are known constraints on electricity distribution network, DNOs wish to enter into contract with these consumers which will allow them to utilise this demand and generate flexibility in return for financial payment.

Flexibility in Action 

Constraints on the electricity network are confined to specific geographical locations, we call these locations Constraint Management Zones (CMZs). DNOs CMZ locations are shown on the locations map.

When we publish a flexibility requirement on our locations pages we provide details of the CMZs operational window that outlines the time of day and the time of year we need flexibility services as well as a forecast of the total MWhs we anticipate needing within the window. Operational windows are generally seasonal to support constraints within summer and winter demand peaks.

DNOs procure Flexibility Services in alignment with the outputs of the  ENA's Open Network Project.